Monday, February 8, 2010

Enkidu is...? - II and III

This part of the story talks about how Enkidu confronts Gilgamesh, end up as friends, and their decision to go together into the Cedar Forest to kill Huwawa, a supposedly invincible demon.

Well, I would say that Enkidu has a weird personality, seeing that he gives up his decision to overcome Gilgamesh in such a short time. Not only that, but they become friends. To celebrate their friendship, they kissed each other and did some other stuff. I'm not trying to insult the first narrative of all human history or its author, but was he GAY?! (Sorry.)

The book itself is good until now, with new unexpected events and interesting thoughts. I mean, how many books that we know talk about temple prostitutes since the beginning of the book? As far as I know, none. :)

Anyways, the plot of the story is creative and new to me, although it's harder to understand than the normal books we are used to reading. I guess I am somewhat interested to what will happen later in the story, especially when knowing that the author has... ...different taste. Yes. That.

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