Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Enkidu is Dead - VII and VIII

Not actually Enkidu's death but it looks pretty much like it. :)

It turns out that the gods were arguing about how either Enkidu or Gilgamesh had to die for the death of the Bull of Heaven and Huwawa. They decide to punish Enkidu, who gets sick. He curses and blames the people who have made him 'civilized', for if not for them, this would not have happened. Yet, Gilgamesh makes him change his mind, who soon blesses those whom he has cursed. After days of suffering, Enkidu dies, and Gilgamesh is left very sad.

Enkidu is dead. Let's give him a proper funeral song.
Link leads to a video of Chopin's Funeral March.

OK... I didn't expect Enkidu to die so soon, but I guess he did. Tablet VII had a lot of inside meanings. Maybe the death of Enkidu represents the destruction of the 'leavers', and how Gilgamesh convinced Enkidu is how civilization is making the leavers not aware of this. Never mind. Just my thought.

Anyways, the epic is quite fun until now, and I'm not sure what events will happen now, especially since Enkidu is dead.

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