Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fight with God

Genesis 22~35

God tells Abraham to offer Isaac, his only son, as sacrifice. Just as he is about to kill his son on the top of the mountain, an angel orders him to stop, and says that since Abraham was loyal to God, he is blessed by him.

Many years later, Abraham orders a servant to find a wife for Isaac. He finds Rebekah. She marries Isaac, having fallen in love with other at first glance. Rebekah soon bears twins. Jacob and Esau were born. Esau became a hunter, and Jacob became a plain man. Esau was the older brother. Isaac loved Esau, but Rebekah lover Jacob. One day, Esau gave away his birthright for bread and pottage of lentiles. (Haha, what the fudge.) One day, after Isaac had gone blind, Isaac told Esau to bring him some food, and then he were to bless him. Not wanting this, Rebekah called Jacob, made food, gave it to him, and told him to take it to Isaac, so that he could be blessed instead. Jacob runs away to Haran. He stays there twenty years with two wives and twelve sons.

When he is going back, he finds out that Esau is coming this way. He prays to god and sends presents to him. That night, someone appears before Jacob. Now here, it gets interesting. It makes you say 'what the fudge'.

I was just reading, and just out of nowhere, starts a wrestling match:
"And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day." (Book of Genesis 32:24) Just like that. Wow. It's totally possible to wrestle all night, right? It gets weirder.

"Let me go, for the day breaketh." (Genesis 32:26) says God. I see no reason for you to stop wrestling. I mean, you wrestled all night, right?
"And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me." (Genesis 32:26) says Jacob, against what he said. Right.

God then asks Jacob's name, and then says,
"Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed." (Genesis 32:28)
What the fudge? God deides to call him Israel just like that.

So Jacob meets with Esau, and he is not mad. They have a happy ending. He gets a son called Benjamin. Then, he goes to his father, Isaac, and all is forgiven. Isaac dies at age 180.

Let's start with Esau's birthright. What the? You don't just go give away your birthright for food. That's like giving away your virginity away for money. In other words, it's like being a prostitute. Esau was like a prostitute. Uh-huh. Right. Never mind.

The post is called 'Fight with God', because that part was particularly interesting, or let's just say, weird. You don't just wrestle all night just like that. That part was just all nonsense. There was a quote that I didn't put, which was:
"Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank." (Genesis 32:32)
Yeah, of course. Right. That's not a good reason though.

Anyways, I'm sorry if something that I said had offended anyone. I didn't mean to. I just wrote whatever that came to my mind.

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