Monday, April 5, 2010

Tree Love!

Don't mind the title. You'll find out soon.
Anyways, I finished the script of Metamorphoses. Fun.

The last story was 'Baucis and Philemon'. Zeus and Hermes decide to go to earth to see how kind the humans were. They weren't. When dressed as beggars (which is the one thing they don't look like they disguised up as in the picture), none of them gave the beggars food or shelter. This was until they went to a hut, where Baucis and Philemon, an old couple, served them with all respect.

In this part, I noticed something about the gods that I noticed throughout the stories. They were given human characteristics and were not much different from us, seeing that they are imperfect and all that stuff. For example, in this story, they doubted that the old couple had realized who they were, showing the same feelings and emotions we non-gods have. In contrast, the Holy Bible states that God created us like his appearance.
Greek mythology = Human-like gods
Bible = God-like humans.
I think there was a word for that, which I don't remember.

So Zeus and Hermes award them by granting them a wish. They wished that they were to live together and die together. Typical noble, not greedy, pure people. I'm kind of ashamed to say this, but I would have wished for money or something like that.

So when the day of their death came, they both became trees as they watched each other. Happy ending. So that is how the title relates with the story. Woohoo!

Anyways, Metamorphoses was a very fun book (or script) to read, and it made me think of many things, one of them being: "Why doesn't anyone believe in these stories as a reliegion or something? Why is it 'mythology', and not a 'belief'?" and stuff like that. Whatever, sorry.

Trees have feelings. Respect them! Save paper.

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