Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Job is too Talkative

Job 1~10

Job is a wealthy guy who is very loyal to god. One day, Satan comes over to God and says that Job will surely curse God if he were to take away all his property. To test Job, all his animals, servants, house, and children were all killed. Yet, Job remained loyal to God. Then, Satan gave Job soars all over the body. His three friends (Bildad, Eliphaz, and Zophar) came to Job to mourn with him and all that stuff. They soon talk about how Job must have made a sin, or else God wouldn't have punished him. Blah blah blah.

First point to make. Satan has actually appeared for the first time (as far as I know)! Another thing to note was here:
"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them." (Job 1:6)
What do they mean by 'sons of God' here? Are they referring to angels? People? Jesus maybe? Logically, it wouldn't be people or Jesus, so it would be angels. But then, the word 'angel' did not appear even once in Genesis and Exodus.

I was amazed at Job's loyalty towards God. If they killed my sons, took my animals, and all those stuff Job had gone through, I would have lost all hope and would have started to beg to God or something like that. If not that, I would have had a 'oh-whatever-screw-God' kind of attitude. I'm just lucky it didn't happen to me.

Most of the text in Job were conversations between Job and his friends, so it was sort of boring. More boring than most other things I have read. But whatever. It's a famous story and one of those classic-must-be-read kind of thing.

But seriously. Stop talking so much. [sad face]

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