Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bird Love? - Alcyone and Ceyx

'Alcyone and Ceyx' from Metamorphoses was a great piece of writing.
In the story, Ceyx goes off on a boat-trip to hear a prophecy (for he thought that the gods disliked him or something like that), in which his wife, Alcyone, is left home alone. When Ceyx dies in a storm and Alcyone finds out, Hera (or Juno) decides to preserve their love and family through transforming and reviving them both as seabirds. They had children (chicks in this case) and lived happily ever after. Typical. Well, clearly, the gods had a weird sense of humor and decided to not just revive Ceyx. They had to become birds. Well, no complaints. I like birds.

First of all, why didn't Ceyx go through land instead of going through the sea if he knew that the gods disliked him? I guess he wasn't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.
Second, what the [beep] is with Alcyone, deciding to sleep in the shore? Yeah. Because that' a good idea. One that will bring back her husband. Yup.
Finally, why seabirds? Why not pigeons, sparrows electric eels or alpakas? Well, as I mentioned before, I like birds, so nothing to complain about there. What did they become anyways? Seagulls? Puffins? Pelicans? Penguins?

Speaking of which, I like penguins.

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