Monday, March 8, 2010

The REAL End...

This was a unique book i read. It wasn't about romance, spy detective plots, some Micael Bay super-action book, teenage vampires, or about wizards and dragons.
No, i was about teachings, and only teachings. I didn't realize this until later in the book. Anyways, the story that Krishna is trying to covince Arjuna to fight in a war in which he doesn't want to. In the process, Arjuna learns a whole load of divine stuff, and in the end, is convinced to obey Krishna, especially after Krishna decided to show that he was a god and shows his superiority. Psst. Show-off.

Some of the arguments that Krishna provided were very deep and convincing that it even made me agree sometimes. Yet, I will not be becoming Hindu.

Although I somewhat enjoyed reading this book, I'm not actually looking forward to another piece of writing like that. I believe I read enough Hindu writing for a lifetime.

The REAL End

of the Bhagavad-Gita

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