The Master said, "I will not open the door for a mind that is not already striving to understand, nor will I provide words to a tongue that is not already struggling to speak." (Analects 7.8)
Wow. That's just mean. If you're not ready, you won't get it. If you're confused, no Confucius stuff for you, mister. Aww. I guess I'm not ready for this yet. Well then, that's the end of this post.

Just kidding!
This reminded me of this video I saw in school. There was a woman being asked who Confucius was. She claimed it to be the people who invented confusion, whom happened to be Chinese and Japanese people. Wow. What are the limits for human ignorance anyways? Our class had a good laugh.
Anyways, until now, the book doesn't have any super-big special idea or anything. Nothing much interesting. Just a bunch of monotonous talking and teachings. I hope there will be a quote that will catch my eye sooner or later.
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